Senin, 23 November 2009

membuat nasi tim resep rumahan

Pembaca terhormat, dalam membuat nasi tim untuk bayi, saya rasa banyak cara yang dilakukan oleh ibu-ibu agar anak mereka mendapatkan asupan gizi yang cukup dan baik untuk masa pertumbuhan anak - anak mereka, disini saya sedikit berbagi cara saya membuat nasi tim untuk raafid bayi :

resep pertama :
Bahan : 1 bks keju (ukuran kecil, kira-kira 3 cm) di parut, 5 lembar daun bayam yang agak lebar di iris tipis - tipis, 3 sdm tepung beras, 2 gelas air, garam secukupnya, 1/4 sdt gula pasir (secukupnya).

Cara membuat : Masukkan tepung beras kedalam 2 gelas air aduk hingga rata, kemudian campurkan keju, bayam kemudian aduk masak dengan api sedang, kemudian masukkan garam dan gula aduk terus sampai mengental dan matang kemudian angkat , siap disajikan untuk 2 kali makan.

resep kedua :
Bahan : 3 btr telur puyuh dikocok rata, 1 batang daun seledri di iris tipis-tipis,1/2 biji bawang putih digiling halus, 2 gelas air, 3 sdm tepung beras, garam secukupnya, 1/4 sdt gula pasir ( secukupnya).

Cara membuat : Masukkan tepung beras kedalam air aduk hingga rata, lalu masak dengan api sedang sambil diaduk masukkan telur puyuh yang sudah dikocok rata aduk sampai rata kemudian masukkan daun seledri,bawang putih, garam dan gula aduk terus sampai mengental dan matang , angkat sajikan, untuk 2 kali makan

resep ketiga:
Bahan : 1 buah jagung di parut, 1 batang wortel diparut, 1/2 lbr daun bawang diiris tipis-tipis, 1/2 btg daun seledri diiris tipis-tipis, 3 sdm tepung beras, 2 gelas air, 1/4 sdt gula, garam secukupnya .

Cara membuatnya : Campurkan air dan tepung lalu aduk hingga rata, kemudian masukkan jagung dan wortel aduk sampai rata kemudian masak dengan api sedang aduk terus hingga agak mengental masukkan daun bawang, daun seledri, gula dan garam aduk terus hingga mengental dan matang, angkat siap disajikan, untuk 2 kali makan.

resep keempat :
Bahan : 2 gelas air, 3 sdm tepung beras, 2-3 sdt susu ( susu yg biasa diminum bayi),garam secukupnya, jika ada 1 lbr daun pandan untuk pewangi.

Cara membuat: campurkan semua bahan lalu aduk dan masak dengan api sedang aduk hingga mengental dan matang, angkat siap disajikan, untuk 2 kali makan.

Pembaca terhormat, selain bahan diatas , boleh juga diganti sesuai keinginan dari sang ibu, misalnya bayam diganti dengan kangkung, atau sawi, yang terpenting adalah semua bahan yang diiris harus tipis-tipis agar cepat menyatu dengan bahan lain dan memasaknya tidak terlalu lama dan mudah dicerna oleh tubuh bayi, sehingga semua vitamin dan yang terkandung didalam bahan2 tersebut tidak hilang dan gizi untuk bayi tetap terjaga.semoga resep ini bisa bermamfaat bagi semua.

In English
Made tim riceof the doll house recipe

The respected reader, in making tim rice for the baby, i the feeling of many methods that were carried out by you so that their child got asupan the nutrien that be enaugh and was good for the growth period of their children, here i seldom shared my method of making tim rice to raafid the baby :

The first recipe :
The material : 1 cheese package (approximately 3 cm) was grated, 5 sheets of the rather wode spinach leaves were sliced thin - thin, 3 tablespoons of rice flour, 2 water glasses, adequate salt, 1/4 the teaspoon of granulated sugar (adequte).

The instruction : put rice flour into 2 water glasses stirred through to level, afterwards mixed cheese, the spinach afterwards stirred cooked with fire was, afterwards put salt and sugar stirred continued until congealed and ripe afterwards adopted diap was presesnted for 2 times ate.

The second recipe :
The material : 3 items of the egg puyuh in shook level,1 stick of the celery leaves in the very thin slice, 1/2 the garlic seed was rolled soft, 2 water glasses, 3 tablespoons of rice flour, adequate salt, 1/4 the teaspoon of granulated sugar (adequate).

The instruction : Put rice flour into water stirred through to level, then cooked with fire was while being stirred put the egg puyuh that has been wanked level stirred until level afterwards put the celery leaves, the garlic, salt and sugar stirred continued until congealed and ripe, adopted served, for 2 times ate.

The trid recipe :
The material : 1 corn in the grater, 1 stick of carrrots was grated, 1/2 the sheet of the leek was slice very thin, 1/2 the stick of the celery leaves was sliced very thin, 3 tablespoons of rice flour, 2 water glasses, 1/4 the teaspoon sugar, adequate salt.

The instruction : Mixed water and previous flour stirred trough to level, afterwards putcorn and carrots stirred until level afterwards cooked with fire was stirring continued through to rather congealed put the leek, the celery leaves, sugar and salt stirred continued until congealing and ripe adopted served, for 2 times ate.

The fourth recipe :
The material: 2 water glasses, 3 tablespoon of reice flour, 2-3 teaspoons of milk (normal milk by the baby), adequate salt, if having 1 sheet of the pandanus leaves to pewangi.

The Instruction : Mixed all the previous materials stirred and cooked with fire was stirring until congealing and ripe adopted was ready to be presented, for 2 times ate.

The respected reader, apart from the material above, also might be replaced in accordance with the wis from the mother, for example the spinach was replaced kangkung or mustard greens, that most important was all the materials that weresliced must be very thin so that fast joined with the other material and cooked him was not too long and was easy was dissolved by the body baby, so as all the vitamins and that was contained in these materials was not lost and the nutrient for the baby continue to terjaga. it is hoped this recipe could useful for all.

Note :Cooked him was enough with time approximately 10 minutes for all these recipes.